order delivery


The means of transport or the choice of carrier is the exclusive responsibility of the provider, without such choice committing any responsibility. The shipment of the merchandise is made from the warehouses of the provider, collaborator or importer. The transfer of risks is made at the time the merchandise is delivered to the address indicated by the client by the transport agency.

It will be understood that Quick Store has no responsibility if, delivering the merchandise in the place indicated by the client, the recipient is not authorized by the client to do so. All insurance, customs and logistics operations are the responsibility, risk and danger of the client. The delivery of orders will be made at the delivery address freely designated by the customer. The reported delivery times are indicative, possible delays do not justify the cancellation of the order, nor payment of expenses or interest derived from any improper cancellation, that is, not authorized by the provider. 

The provider does not assume any responsibility for when the delivery of the product or service does not take place as a result of the data provided by the client being false, inaccurate or incomplete, or when the delivery cannot be made for reasons beyond the control of the shipping company. , assigned for this purpose by the provider. In case of deterioration, or lack of merchandise, mention must be made of the causes that originated said lack or deterioration in the delivery receipt of the carrier and the consequent communication to the provider on the telephone 722115606 or by e-mail at the e-mail address:atencion.clientes@quickstore.es, within seven calendar days of delivery by the carrier. 

Once this period has elapsed, shipments will be considered in accordance with the order by the customer.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, the provider must adopt the measures required of a diligent merchant so that the delivery can be made within the agreed time, and if not, as soon as possible, to the satisfaction of both the sender and the recipient, for which reason No liability may be imputed against the provider.



 Calle Murillo, Nave 17B                                                                                     50420 Frame                                                                                             Saragossa