General conditions of sale


Below is the contractual document that will govern the contracting of products and services of Quick Store (hereinafter the provider). The acceptance of this document implies that the client:  You've read, you understand and you're agree with this text; that he is a person with sufficient capacity to contract; that assumes all the obligations set forth herein. These conditions will have an indefinite validity period and will be applicable to all contracts made through any of our sales channels: store, telephone sales, online store and direct sales. The provider reserves the right to unilaterally modify said conditions, without this affecting the goods or promotions that were acquired prior to the modification, except for some error.


On the one hand, the supplier of the goods or services contracted by the user is Quick Store with customer service telephone number 722115606, and on the other, the customer registered in our system being responsible for the veracity of the personal and professional data provided to the provider.



The purpose of this contract is to regulate the contractual relationship of sale born between the provider and the client. The contractual purchase relationship entails the delivery of a specific product or service in exchange for a certain price.



Both parties attest to these general conditions of sale, except for special agreements contracted in writing between the client and the provider, which are listed below:

  1. Any order requested from the provider, or any acceptance of an offer from the latter, entails adherence to the general conditions of sale, which cancel the previous general or particular conditions of sale of the clients.
  2. The printed catalogs and other commercial or technical documents of the provider, excluding these general conditions of sale, in no case can be considered as contractual. They are subject to change without prior notice.
  3. It is not up to us to estimate the pertinent choice of products, object or merchandise depending on the final use that the client is going to give it. The provider may not be held responsible for the secondary effects of the use of products, in conditions or circumstances other than the indicated and/or foreseeable rules of use.
  4. The provider reserves the right to introduce technical or practical modifications to the ordered products at any time, in order to maintain their quality.



 Calle Murillo, Nave 17B                                                                                     50420 Frame                                                                                             Saragossa